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Luis Alfredo Pierattini Hernandez
Home / Luis Alfredo Pierattini Hernandez

Luis Alfredo Pierattini Hernandez

Jan 5, 1946 Feb 29, 2020

Luis Alfredo Pierattini Hernandez, 74, beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at his home on February 29th, 2020 at 5:47 pm, surrounded by his loved ones. Luis courageously battled stage 4 lung cancer for 3 years and never gave up.

Luis was born in Santiago Chile on January 5th, 1946. He met his beautiful wife Sonia in May of 1974 in Santiago Chile. They were sealed in the Santiago Chile Temple on April 8th, 1995.

He loved cars. It didn’t matter what type of car it was, cleaning and maintaining his vehicles was one of his favorite things to do. Fishing with his family was something he enjoyed doing. He had so much fun teaching all his grandkids about fishing and spending time with them. He was very proud of his yard and home. Most summers he had a beautiful vegetable garden that produced plenty of fresh vegetables for the family to enjoy. He loved spending time keeping his home cleaned and beautiful on the outside and the inside. Luis was a hard-working man -- his work ethic was outstanding -- and he was able to be an example to his children and others with his qualities.

Luis' family and faith meant everything to him. He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and he was not afraid to share the gospel with anyone who would listen. He not only shared the gospel with his words but with his incredible example. He was a true man of God. He held many callings in the Church, such as Counselor in the Bishopric and in the Sunday School Presidency, High Priest President, and many other callings. His faith never wavered even when he received his terminal cancer diagnosis. He leaned on his Father in Heaven for strength and support through his journey here on earth.

Luis is survived by his wife Sonia Pierattini; his children Raquel de las Mercedes Pierattini Gonzalez (Gerardo Moreno Nunez), Alfredo Javier Pierattini Gonzalez, (Claudia Arratia Urbina), Giovanna Sullivan (Ralph Sullivan), Cesar Alexander Pierattini, and Angelina LeBaron (Trevor LeBaron); twelve grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; his father Alfredo Americo Pierattini; his sister Mafalda Marta Pierattini; and Teresa Gonzalez (mother of his first two children). He was preceded in death by his mother Elena Raquel Pierattini Bustamante.

A viewing will be held March 4th, 2020 from 6-8 p.m. Funeral services will be March 5th, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Both services will be held at the Roy South Stake Center located at 5725 S. 3750 W. Roy, UT 84067. In lieu of flowers, Dad's wishes were that donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints missionary fund. Donation boxes will be provided at the funeral services.

As a family, we want to thank everyone who had any part in caring for Dad during his difficult illness and his last days, including Utah Hematology and Oncology, the Intermediate Care Unit at McKay Dee Hospital, and Rocky Mountain Home Health and Hospice. He always told us how blessed he was to have such amazing care everywhere he went. Thank you!


Luis Alfredo Pierattini Hernández, de 74 años, amado esposo, padre y abuelo falleció pacíficamente en su casa el 29 de febrero de 2020 a las 5:47 pm, rodeado de sus seres queridos. Luis luchó valientemente contra el cáncer de pulmón de etapa 4 durante 3 años y nunca se rindió.

Luis nació en Santiago de Chile el 5 de enero de 1946. Conoció a su bella esposa Sonia en mayo de 1974 en Santiago de Chile. Fueron sellados en el Templo de Santiago de Chile el 8 de abril de 1995.

Amaba los automóviles. No importaba qué tipo de automóvil fuera, limpiar y mantener sus vehículos era una de sus actividades favoritas. Pescar con su familia era algo que disfrutaba hacer. Se divirtió mucho enseñándoles a todos sus nietos sobre la pesca y pasar tiempo con ellos. Estaba muy orgulloso de su patio y su casa. La mayoría de los veranos tenía un hermoso huerto que producía muchas verduras frescas para que la familia disfrutara. Le encantaba pasar tiempo manteniendo su casa limpia y hermosa por fuera y por dentro. Luis era un hombre trabajador -- su ética de trabajo era sobresaliente -- y pudo ser un ejemplo para sus hijos y otros con sus cualidades.

Su familia y su fe lo eran todo para Luis. Es miembro de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días y no temía compartir el evangelio con nadie o con quien lo escuchara. No solo compartió el evangelio con sus palabras, sino también con su increíble ejemplo. Fue un verdadero hombre de Dios. Tuvo muchos llamamientos en la iglesia, como consejero del obispado y de la presidencia de la escuela dominical, presidente de los sumos sacerdotes, y muchos otros llamamientos. Su fe nunca flaqueó incluso cuando recibió su diagnóstico de cáncer terminal. Se apoyó en su Padre Celestial para obtener fuerza y apoyo durante su viaje aquí en la tierra.

A Luis le sobreviven su esposa Sonia Pierattini; sus hijos Raquel de las Mercedes Pierattini Gonzalez (Gerardo Moreno Nunez), Javier Pierattini González, (Claudia Arratia Urbina), Giovanna Sullivan (Ralph Sullivan), Cesar Alexander Pierattini, y Angelina LeBaron (Trevor LeBaron); doce nietos; dos bisnietos; su padre Alfredo Americo Pierattini; su hermana Mafalda Marta Pierattini; y Teresa Gonzalez (madre de sus primeros dos hijos). Él fue precedido en la muerte por su madre Elena Raquel Pierattini Bustamante.

Un velorio se llevará a cabo el 4 de marzo de 2020 de 6 a 8 p.m. Los servicios funerarios serán el 5 de marzo de 2020 a las 11:00 a.m. Ambos servicios se llevarán a cabo en el centro de estaca ubicado en 5725 S. 3750 W. Roy, UT 84067. En lugar de flores, los deseos de papá fueron que se hicieran donaciones a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital o al fondo misional de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Se proporcionarán buzones en los servicios funerarios para las donaciones.

Como familia, queremos agradecer a todos los que participaron en el cuidado de papá durante su enfermedad difícil y sus últimos días, incluyendo Utah Hematology and Oncology, McKay Dee Hospital IMC, y Rocky Mountain Home Health and Hospice. Siempre nos dijo lo bendecido que era de tener una atención tan increíble en todos los lugares a los que iba. ¡Gracias!



Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints

Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 1:00 AM – 3:00 AM

5725 S. 3750 W.
Roy, UT 84067

Funeral Service

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 6:00 PM

5725 S. 3750 W.
Roy, UT 84067

Personal Information

Santiago, Metropolitan CL
Cause of Death
Roy, UT US
Religion and Beliefs
Latter-day Saint

Life Story Info

Angelina LeBaron
Post Date
Mar 3, 2020
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