Lilian Budge Hartwell passed away on April 25, 2024 at the age of 94 years old. She was born on August 20, 1929 in Logan, Utah to Wilford Woodruff Budge and Elizabeth Ada Foster. She married Frank W. Hartwell on August 4, 1950.
She loved to read, work in the yard and loved to serve in her church. She had been a stake young women’s president and served in the Boy Scouts. She had 30 boys in her 4 troops. Her son-in-law, Dell Ray Hudson was in her scouts when he was in the Boy Scouts. She was involved in ward and stake music. She was primary president of the handicapped primary (special needs) from the Salt Lake Ogden and surrounding areas. She loved family reunions with her siblings.
She is survived by Jerry Hartwell (son), Blane (son) and Susan Hartwell, Renee (daughter) and Dell Ray Hudson, Traci Brook (daughter) and Terry Brook. Debra Hartwell (daughter-in-law), Eldon Budge (brother), Nedra Budge (sister), Jim Budge (brother), Deone Pace (sister), her 14 grandchildren and many great grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by Frank W. Hartwell (husband), LeRoy W. Hartwell (son), Cory Newman (grandson), Wilford Woodruff Budge (father) and Ada Budge (mother), Kenneth Budge (brother), Ivaard Budge (brother), Arvin Budge (brother), Ben Budge (brother), John Budge (brother), Horace Tim Budge (brother).
A graveside service will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM over at the Memorial Redwood Cemetery, located on 6500 South Redwood Road, West Jordan, Utah.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 4:00 PM