Diana was born in Dallas Texas to June Beach and Leo Galarneau. She was the first of four children. She is survived by her son Dene who she lived with in Utah, her sister Gail & nephew Matthew (Utah), brothers Nathaniel (Kansas &Michael (Montana). She is also survived by daughter Diana Uchtdorf (Arizona) who selflessly cared for her in her last days.

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Diana and her family lived in many cities from coast to coast as they traveled the country so their father could build many of the power plants that provide power to our country to this day. The family settled in Utah in the mid 1950's.

Diana had a number of careers in her life. She worked as a waitress in many of the restaurants in downtown SLC throughout the 1970's & 1980's. In the late 1980's she began a career in customer service. She was a caretaker for her mother as well.

Diana was a hard worker & perfectionist in all she did. She was an amazing gardener & flower arranger & all types of creative endeavors.

Diana was a loyal & true friend & will be missed by them and her family..

Life Story Info

Post Date

Jan 24, 2020

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NEXT Bonnie Johnson Jean Bonnie Johnson Jean


I only met Diane a couple of times. I am great friends with her sister Gail, who will miss her deaply. Hold onto each other and remember all the wonderful times you all spent together. Peace be with your family

Merry Jane

Merry Jane Sugden Jan 31, 2020

My dear friend and chosen sister, how I will miss our daily visits, reminiscing of days gone by, future endeavors and life. Summer days spent at the cabin, ATV rides in the mountains and the baby owls we found. I love you to the Moon and back. Forever and always you Soul Sister


Ginger , Slc, UT, US Jan 27, 2020
