Hudman Funeral Home



About Us

C. W. Post, who dreamed of a modern, progressive city bearing his name, built for his own residence this beautiful home. The late W. L. Davis, who served as foreman for the completion of this house in the early days of Post, recalled that Mr. Post's instructions were "Take your time, because I want quality". All of the doors are of solid oak and the floors are of redwood. Much of the interior furnishings, such as the leatherette wallpaper, solid oak woodwork, the beautiful staircase-which Mr. Davis helped build by hand-the rock fireplaces and other decorations which were designed and built by Scotty Sampson and Jimmy Napier (two stonemasons from Scotland brought in by Mr. Post) remain in their original condition as proof of the workmanship of these early builders. After the death of Mr. Post, this home was sold to another pioneer, W. O. Stevens, who used it as a family residence for many years. It was later sold to Mr. and Mrs. Giles Connell who decorated the home as it now stands. Marvin and Victor Hudman bought the historic Post home in 1948 and converted it into a funeral home to serve this progressive community. In 1972 Curtis and Julia Hudman bought the interest of Marvin Hudman. In 1995 Richard and Lichele Hudman joined his father in the family business. Hudman Funeral Home was selected for the Texas Treasure Business Award in 2013.

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